Loading Jpg, with variables

Okay, trying to make this load certain jpg files based on a variable, but I can’t make it loop through?

artistName = “Grace Jones”;

for(i=1; i<4; i++){
filename = artistName+"/"+i+".jpg";
loadMovie(""+artistName+"/2.jpg", root.images); //this works
loadMovie(""+filename+"", images.holder
+i); //this does not

any ideas?

oh and I’m trying to put them each on a different frame… any ideas there?

thats the idea of holder_1, 2, 3… to make a holder for it to load into?

is it also possible to load a jpg to a frame inside a movie clip?

that way I can dynamically have the amount of images create the frames?

What exactly are you trying to laod in what ? Because there are artistname and filename and images and imageholder 1 2 3 4 … I’m getting confused.

artistName = “Grace Jones”;

for(i=1; i<4; i++){
filename = artistName+"/"+i+".jpg";
loadMovie( filename, root.image["holder"+i]); //This should work now

I think that will do what you need now