Loading Jpgs - Problem! Please Help!

I am in the poo…im working on this site that has a flash top section that loads in jpegs using movieclip.loadMovie() depending on what page ur in.

But the site has all these mask effects i made, that require the same image to be loaded 4 times into different movieclip holders that are on top of each other…so now i am having major trouble with preloading the image.

Before i say any more - does anyone kno of the best way to work with multiple instances of the same external image that ur loading multiple times?

because currently whats happening is in IE the preloader goes from 0%-100% 4 times over, which is ridiculous…since its all the same image…

Sorry i cant post a fla, and theres no real point giving u a link to the site ( ud probably think i was just trying to get traffic :ne:)

Please help! :jail:

PS Heres the loader script - note that all mcs load the same image referenced in a variable “imagevar”, also note that the condition for loading to complete also has a check on it that the getbytesTotal is greater than 40k as the image will never get below 10K (therefore 4x10) its just a check because i have found that flash when loading external stuff, in the first view milliseconds, is very innacurate in its bytesTotal estimate, then it stabilises…

barlevel = 0;
percentage = 0+"%";
this.onEnterFrame = function() {
    bT = image1_mc.getBytesTotal()+image1_mc2.getBytesTotal()+image1_mc3.getBytesTotal()+image1_mc4.getBytesTotal();
    bL = image1_mc.getBytesLoaded()+image1_mc2.getBytesLoaded()+image1_mc3.getBytesLoaded()+image1_mc4.getBytesLoaded();
    barlevel = +Math.floor((bL/bT)*100);
    if (isNaN(barlevel) == false && barlevel > 0) {
        percentage = barlevel+"%";
    } else {
        percentage = 0+"%";
    if (bL == bT && bT>40000) {
        delete this.onEnterFrame;