Hello AS experts.
I am trying to create an array where each element is a different text string that is loaded from separate external text files. What I have below almost works – I can load in and trace each of the different strings at each step of the loop, but I cannot get them to be plugged into each element of an array. See below for the output when running this script. I know the problem lies at the line where I wrote: [color=red]Doesn’t work![/color]. Does anybody know what I need to have here to make this work?
function createTitleArray() {
var i:Number = 0;
var n:Number = Number(slideTotalLV.slideTotal); **//from another LoadVars and is equal to "7" (an integer)**
var slideTitleLV:LoadVars = new LoadVars();
var imgTitle:Array = new Array(n);
while (i < n) {
slideTitleLV.load("../var/info_" + i + ".txt"); **//opens files named "info_0.txt", "info_1.txt", ... , "info_6.txt"**
slideTitleLV.onLoad = function(success:Boolean) {
if (success) {
trace(slideTitleLV.title + " [from loop]"); **//in each of the *.txt files there is a variable "title" that is equal to some text. These are traced correctly in the Output panel**
imgTitle** = String(slideTitleLV.title); **//[u][color=red]Doesn't work![/color][/u] Here is where I am trying to place contents of each "title" variable in an element of an array.***
*i += 1;*
*trace("titleArray = " + imgTitle + " [end]"); **//"undefined" gets traced as each of the seven elements in the array.***
titleArray = undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined,undefined [end]
First Test Title [from loop] // these seven rows were retrieved from the “title” variable from the “info_0.txt”, “info_1.txt”, … , “info_6.txt” external file sequences.
Second Test Title [from loop]
Third Test Title [from loop]
Fourth Test Title [from loop]
Fifth Test Title [from loop]
Sixth Test Title [from loop]
Seventh Test Title [from loop]
What I want is for these last seven lines to be the elements in the array that has only “undefined” elements.
Please help…losing my mind
*-john *
edited by digitalosophy: I wrapped your code in as tags, your post was very hard to read.