Hi Guys,
Wonder if anyone could help me. I’m stuck with one thing and I’m desperatelly looking for help.
I have created a MovieClip on the main stage called “Preloader”.
Preloader has a loop function preloading jpegs (listed in XML file), each of the file is loaded on to newly created MovieClip, which name is the same as loaded iimage.
So image XXX is loaded into newly created MovieClip called XXX
Briefly the code looks like the below:
for (ImageNo=0; ImageNo < _parent.ImageData.length - 1; ImageNo++) {
ImageId = _parent.ImageData[ImageNo].attributes.id; // Checking the name of the file to load
ImageCurrent = _parent.ImagePath + ImageId + ".jpg"; // Path to the file
this.createEmptyMovieClip(ImageId, this.getNextHighestDepth()); // Creating the MovieClip named as file which will be loaded here
var BufforLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
BufforLoader.loadClip(ImageCurrent, this[ImageId]);
So, all of the images, one after another are “preloaded” into the scene.
The thing I can’t figure out is how to load one of those movieclips into another movieclip.
On the main stage, I have created MovieClip named “Image” and when someone press the button (for example XXX) the movie called XXX from Preloader MovieClip should be loaded into the “Image” MovieClip
I’ve tried so many times, one of my attemt was:
var Image:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("Image", 1);
attachMovie(Preloader.this[ImageNo], "Image", 1);
but like the others… it doesn’t work
please help