Loading movieclips in chronological order

I did it randomly before… here is what i had

function attachRandom() {
    var mcArray:Array = new Array("Animation1", "Animation2", "Animation3", "Animation4", "Animation5", "Animation6");
    var ranMc:Number =  Math.floor(Math.random() * mcArray.length);
    var mc:MovieClip = _root.middleStage.attachMovie(mcArray[ranMc], "Animation" + [ranMc], _root.middleStage.getNextHighestDepth());

this is attaching Animation1, Animation2, etc from the library to stage.

help please :stare:

I’m probably not the best guy to answer this, but couldn’t you get rid of your ranMC variable and use some sort of loop based on the length of your array, using the array value (since it goes in order 0,1,2…) to identify the clip you’re loading?