Hi All,
I am creating a presentation which has a main flash and then 3 sub categories to it. Main.fla is nothing but a container to load the other movies into. I could get the the first movie (movie1.swf) to load onto main.swf by using the foll code:
Now the problem is in movie1.swf the menu is like on the 3rd level, i.e. main stage>menu_mc>menu (where the buttons are).
How can I add a code on level “menu” so that when I click button2 or button3 it loads movie2.swf and movie3.swf respectivley onto the main stage. Makes sense or am making it too confusing…
Can this be done???If there is a simpler way to do this then please please let me know. I want to try this breaking a big movie into smaller parts functionality so that I can understand flash more.