Loading nested movie clip, work-around?

I am trying to load an XML ad banner swf into my main site. I’ve been using the loadMovie script to dow this with plenty of the other swf’s but for some reason this one just won’t show up when I publish the Main website. I think it may have somthing to do with the way the ad banner swf is nested/coded, not sure though.

My question: Is there a work around for this? I’d ideally like to have it load like my other swf’s but at this point I just want it to show up so I can finish this project.

Just to clarify this is what I am currently doing: I created a new movie clip, named it “container” and gave it an instance name of “container.” Then put in this code: container.loadMovie(“simple_banner.swf”);

This works when I try it with other swf’s. I’ve even tried uploading it to my server. Nothing helps. What am I missing? The swf plays just fine on its own just not when loaded into another movie clip.
Is there a work around?

Thank you for any ideas.