Im making a site in flash, the thing is, my menu and contentpage is all the same for all the diffrent menues. So when u push portfolio i want the new menu to animate over the oldone. And i want to do it on all the menues.
Can someone help me?
do i load an instace over the old one in a new level?
do you want the selected item to play an animation once that content loads? not sur of what you are asking. if you simply put something over the menu button, the button will still be active, even if you cover it up. sounds like you need the menu to be a movie clip that palys an animation when clicked.
give more details and I, or someone else, will be able to be more specific . . .
ok, ive posted the swf. Now i made it in scenes. so when the animation stops, play and ull go on. Now u will see the site i 3 coloer versions, the thing is, i want to have the diffrent versions in movieclips, so when u push the main menu, a newone loads over the old one.
u need to rename the .gif to .swf. had some posting problems=(
sorry geedogg I did not make it to my pc last night, can you post your fla and I will take a look at it or show me an example on the web of what you are trying to do, it does not sound too difficult but I need a better idea