Loading random extrenal movies

Hi there,

Can someone please help me. This is really urgent.
I need to randomly load an external swf into the main movie each time the browser is refreshed. I have three external swfs so far.

when loading individual external swfs, I normally create an empty movie clip on the main movie and call the external swf by using the _root.emptymovieclip command

Is the same principal used for calling external swfs randomly?

Thanks heaps,

Hey chat,
Here is the code I use on the home page:[AS]
cn = 1+Math.round(Math.random()*6);

loadMovie(“http://www.kirupa.com/random/home/content"+cn+".swf”, _root.content);[/AS]

Where the movie files are named content1.swf, content2.swf, etc. Hopefully this code helps you out.

Kirupa :}

hey kirupa…

you’re a legend… it works like a charm!

thanks so much!

I had tried several ways and none of them were working… thanks again!