Ok I used the code provided in kirupa tuturial on how to load random movies. It works fine except the fact that I have three movies, each with a different size and different background color. But when I use the script provided, it loads all three movies with the same size and the same background color. For example, if I make a flash document and insert:
[COLOR=#000050]filename[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff][[/COLOR][COLOR=#666666]“circular.swf”[/COLOR], [COLOR=#666666]“vibration.swf”[/COLOR], [COLOR=#666666]“random_movement.swf”[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]][/COLOR]; [COLOR=#000050]path[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#666666]“http://www.kirupa.com/developer/actionscript/animation/”[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#000050]i[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#000050]filename[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000d0]length[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#000050]k[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000ff]=[/COLOR] [COLOR=#0000d0]Math[/COLOR].[COLOR=#0000d0]floor[/COLOR]COLOR=#0000ff[/COLOR]; [COLOR=#0000d0]loadMovie[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]([/COLOR][COLOR=#000050]path[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]+[/COLOR][COLOR=#000050]filename[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff][[/COLOR][COLOR=#000050]k[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff]][/COLOR], [COLOR=#000050]movieTarget[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000ff])[/COLOR];
It loads the a white background color for all the movies provided and creates the same size for all of them. How do I keep each movie the same as it originally is. Like the circular.swf, if it has a yellow background, keep it yellow, not change it to whatever is in the random movie flash file. Can anyone help? Thank You.