Hi all!
This problem has been bugging me for a while. I’m familiar with flash scripting but I was wondering if anyone could possibly tell me how I would load a seperate XML file using AS2 and Flash 8. Basically I’m looking to do a football/soccer results archive for each season of my local football/soccer team with lineups, attendance, referee and picture of the match programme etc. Ideally I could use a combobox to load a different season using an XML file then a list of the matches would load onto the page and by clicking on the match in the list it would load a match report scene with seperate XML for each match. I’ve been looking for examples…
The 2nd example would be the best one as it doesn’t use any ? characters in the URL. The ‘GIOCATORI’ section but I could alter the player profile to be a match report without a problem.
Thanks in advance and I hope someone can please help me.