I’m currently building a site with 1 main file, and 4 swfs loading into a Empty Movie container within the main file. An example of the code I’m using (on buttons) to do this is
on (release) {
loadMovie("Reels.swf", "_root.container");
This works fine, but instead of just replacing the existing swf with the new one, I’m trying to create a transistion where the new loaded swf covers over the exisiting one. I have added a fade/wipe to the start of each external swf, but because they are all loading into the same movie container on the same level, I’m not getting the effect I’m after.
I’m still learning AS, is it possible to load an external swf into the movie container on the next level (to the exisiting one), then after a short time unload the swf in the previous level? As I say, I in the process of learning flash/AS, so any advice is greatly received, even pointing in the direction of a tutorial to learn.