Hi guys,
I have a silly little question. One specific page on a site I work on needs to be protected with logins and passwords. All it is, is a list with downloads - consisting of files for students. Both the list (htmltext) and the downloads are inside a protected folder.
My question is: What’s the easiest way to include this into my flash site ? (the site is completely flash).
I initially had two ideas: One was to make a popup appear that loads the protected file, and when people don’t have access, I can show them a self made error page.
A nicer thing would be to have the text file load dynamically into flash, but when a user doesnt have access, they get directed to the same error page again…so if you go back to the original site, they’ll start at the very first page again. That doesn’t seem like a good idea to me, to be honest.
Is there another way ? Perhaps by building two simple form fields and check the passwords/logins and when they match people get directed to the protected area ? I now how to set this all up inside flash, but I don’t know if it’s possible to use server side protected in combination with this.
Any advice, pointers or suggestions are very welcome !