Loading text from an external file

Well, I’m creating a site were I load text from external .txt files using the method explained in the Kirupa Tutorials, and I setted the text box to render the text as html…

The first problem wich I corrected, was that as the site was in portuguese, some characters didn’t appear in the swf prior to loading, this I corrected by changing the save format from ANSI, to Unicode (and that wrapped one):stuck_out_tongue:

The second problem has proven to be a little more difficult, as I said I setted the text box to render html, so I formated the .txt files with BR, B and I tags and it works fine, but I wanted to render urls and the A HREF doesn’t seem to work…:frowning:

Does anyone know how I can include functioning links using this method? Maybe using some actionscript code…:m: :sure:

myTextHTML.htmltext="< a href=‘http://www.kirupa.com’ >Kirupa< /a >"; should do it. If it doesnt I don’t know

No it doesn’t seem to work, thx anyway…:-\

have a fla?