Hi All -
I have a flash header that was never completed because the guy I hired took people’s money and ran. So now I even wonder if what he said could work with my flash header is true or not. But, usually there is always a way to make it work.
I have a flash header that does two important things: 1) Upon entering the site, it loads and plays an audio track 2) Makes an animal noise when you hover over each animal menu item. (not sure if I’m able to give a link to it or not on here. If I able to and someone would like to see it let me know)
I want to know if my flash header can support the following additional functionality/changes:
Currently, it loads everytime a page is selected. I only want it to load the one time of entering the site because the audio gets annoying. Set a cookie maybe?
But, I do not want to turn the audio off completely because I still want the hover over each menu item sound.
Have a link on it to allow them to select to turn on / off the sound completely. It currently has that, but only for the current page. Once you select another page, the audio is back to on.
Lastlly, is there a way for it to detect that someone doesn’t support flash and to display an html version of it? And can flash create a html version from my fla file?
I don’t know much about flash (but am learning) so I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do this myself. However, I want to find out if my flash header will even work this way before I invest the time learning it just for these changes. I know it will be pretty deep with script code, but I’m hoping I could find base code already available for these features. Not sure I can afford help now because of being laid off and two different scammers taking advantage of me. So I’m going to try to do myself and see if there is any suggestions/support on here that can help. I have Flash CS4.
Thanks for any help!