hey sorry for making ANOTHER loadmovie thread but i searched the tutorials and forums but nothing answered my question.
i have made a menu which is made up of 4 movieclips. its a sliding menu. so when you click a button the other movieclips slide to show the corresponding section (movieclip). within each section (movieclip) i want to load different content so i used the loadMovie code.
at first i couldn’t get this to load within my “container” mc but eventually i got it to work by putting the code on the main timeline instead of within the certain movie clip (I’m sure theres a way to put the loadmovie code within each section so if anyone watns to tell me how that would be awesome).
so my problem is, when my the swf loads it is has increased in size and the borders around the dynamic text fields wont show up.
I have tried putting the noscale fs command in the .swf that i load but that didn’t work.
anyway i attacked a zip with the files incase someone wants to check it out for me.
"version2.fla is the main file with the menu etc.
“contact.fla” is the .fla file for the .swf that i want to load.
*you’ll notice 4 movieclips. the only movieclip i’m concerned with at the moment is window1 (the movieclip that says ‘contact’ on it). it contains my blank movieclip(container) and is where i’m trying to load my .swf
sorry for rambling on. i tried to be as specific as possible.
thanks alot.