Loadmovie unloadmovie loadmovieNum unloadmovieNum

i have two buttons “A” and “B”… “A” loads a simple mc with the …

on (release) {

“B” loads a mc that has a easing pic show in it which i load with…

on (release) {
loadMovieNum(“xxxxxx”, 2);

the reason i dont use the same load script for both is the first script doesn’t allow the easing to work… if anyone knows why please let me know :thumb:

now to unload the space taken up by the mc “B” loaded, on button “A” i unload the mc using…

on (release) {

but this is where things dont work… i thought for button “B” to unload the mc “A” loaded all i would need to do would be to use the…

on (release) {

but i doesn’t work… anyone know why?

anyone know why you cant load a mc containing easing fx with
on (release) {

anyone know any alternatives…

p.s im a self tought novice :thumb: