oh that’s not the problem, he just won’t use the text inside the url-textbox because I loaded it into it using loadvars. If you really want to know what’s in my text-file:
urlintext=here comes the url for my pic&text=here comes my text
oh sorry, my mistake, I copied the wrong text, it should be this:
“urlpic = _root.urlintext.text;” doesn’t work. And tell me how I should test it client-side? Never done that I think…
that’s right, does that change anything? I don’t think so (could be) have you got any idea how to assing the text inside a textbox to a variable and then use the variable as a loadmovie-url, 'cause it really doesn’t work when you use my script above… Thanks
myvars = new LoadVars();
myvars.load(“text.txt”); // here you could make this path dynamic
myvars.onLoad = function(){
//this is where you tell what flash what to do with the variables loaded from the txt file.
_root.textf.text = myvars.title;
oh yeah and also a test.jpg file in the root to test, i forgot to include it in the zip