

I just learned about the functioin “LoadMovie” and it’s great. But on my latest movie, I got tanggled in a slight problem. The situation goes something like this.

I have a button ( 3 buttons ) and each button is assigned to Load a movie. When you click one of the buttons, the LoadMovie on Level 1 is good. Now here is my problem, how will I unload the current movie before Loading the next one.

I want to UNLOAD the CURRENT MOVIE first before loading another MOVIE…


Loading a movie into the same level as a previous movie will get rid of the first one automaticaly

wow!! I never thought it would be that simple!! Kuz i just turned to FLASH HELP and I saw the functiong “Unload Movie”, that’s why that question struck me :slight_smile:

Aight, Ill try that … DAVID yo thanksssss a lot