
I have a question and a problem with LoadMovie:

Question: When you use LoadMovie to load a SWF, does that SWF stay loaded, or does it get reloaded every subsequent time you use the LoadMovie function for that same SWF?

Problem: I use the LoadMovie function in several buttons to load SWFs into my movie. In those same buttons, I use a function which fades a different (already present) movieclip in.
However, the LoadMovie call seems to block out the movie clip which needs to fade in; when I click the button, it loads the SWF just fine, the movieclip just doesn’t fade in (or it does, but I can’t see it), when I comment the LoadMovie call out, the movieclip fades in just fine (and I can see it).
Also, I load the SWFs into an empty movieclip, which is beneath all other layers, so that’s not the problem.

My code:

In my button:


I’ve tried:


But, that doesn’t get me anywhere, either.