Hello All-
So I have been searching and searching online for a solution to this problem, with no luck. I have found several forums with people asking the same question, yet no answer.
Here’s what I am trying to to… I have a container movie that loads in external swf’s. The external swf’s that I am loading into the container movie are all divided into sections (section1, section2, and so on…). Each section contains several different pages, which I have divided up with frame labels (section_1a, section_1b, etc.). What I would like to do, is load the external swf and go to a specific frame. Logically, it would seem like this code would work, but for some reason it’s not…
loadMovieNum("section1.swf", 1);
Any help would be greatly appreciated! I don’t have a preference in using loadMovie vs. loadMovieNum, I would just like something to work! So, if somebody could please shed some light on this, that would be fantastic.
Thank you very much and have a great day! :insomniac: