Hi everybody,
In a flash movie, I load a list of file names using loadvariablesnum
This list goes into a variable called “filelist”.
exemple value for filelist: movie1.swf,image4.jpeg,movie3.swf
Then I split this variable into an array and then with a loop, load each file into a target (they are called 1,2,3… in my main movie).
Well, if I do it in two “steps” it works. I mean I use a first button to load the variables then a second one to split the list and so on.
If I put the whole script into one button, same event, it doesn’t work (it’s like if my filelist was still empty)
If I put the first part into the press event and the second into the release event, it works again.
The problem is that I don’t want to use buttons. I want to put the whole script in a frame.
I tried to put the first part (loading the variables) into a first frame and the second part (splitting my array and loading movies) in the next one, but it does’nt work. The second part seems to ignore that the variables have been loaded…
Any explanation ? Any solution ?