Guys did that ever happen to any of you before? You use a loadVars object (or even a loadVariables object) to get some data from a URL , but the server of that URL is down (or some kind of problem is happening with it),… and then it’s as if your flash movie is just looping forever to get it?
Ofcourse, you then get the window saying something like “A script in this movie is letting your movie stop working. Do you want to abort the script” more or less.
Is there some kind of timeout function that I can use, in case loadVars can’t access that URL, then it just breaks, and continues normally??? Ofcourse, giving a bad URL , will just give an onLoad event, with a “false” parameter, indicating that the URL wasn’t loaded successfully… but I’m talking about when the URL actually exists, but say the server is startign up, or there is a problem with, say, the Apache server on there… or something.
I hope my problem is clear.