loadVars fail to show the first variable from PHP

Hello all!
I’m a new member and surprise surprise Iam struggling with the following problem.
Thanks in advance for any help.

I have a php file (select.php) that retrieves data from the MySQL database.
When I load the ‘select.php’ it shows the result as expected.
This means my problem is not in PHP but in Flash!

In Flash MX2004, I got the following code on frame 2

  • stop();
    myData = new LoadVars();
    myData.onLoad = function(succes) {
    if (succes) {
    //these buttons were made invisible in the first frame.
    } else {
    trace(“Error loading data”);

When Flash recieves it through ‘loadVars’ it activates the ‘trace(myData)’ function and ouputs as follows:

  • selected%5Fdata=5%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A&image%5Ffile4

[COLOR=Red]title0=Title%5FZero[/COLOR]’ red to highlight the problem variable.
The above traced result shows that all the variables are loaded into Flash.

So the problem is not there either!

But whenever I access it later, whether through a button event or another trace function the first variable ([COLOR=Red]title0=Title%5FZero[/COLOR]) shows as ‘undefined’.

All other variables are available and works fine.
But ‘[COLOR=Red]title0[/COLOR]’ was just traced as '[COLOR=Red]Title%5FZero’[/COLOR] in the *‘myData.onLoad’ *function!
Now it shows as ‘undefined’!!

So the problem lies in the first variable only. But how? I couldn’t find an explanation within my limited actionscript knowledge.
I did a lot of search on web and in books, but all in vain!

I use the code below to access the variables.

  • function show_me (me) {
    title_txt.text = myData[“title”+me];
    content_txt.text = myData[“content”+me];

Button code on ‘bt_0’ and ‘bt_1’ respectively -

  • on(release){
    show_me (0);

show_me (1);

Any help will be highly appreciated.

And Iam still curious!