loadVars function

This is not really about the loadVars function.

It’s actually about searching a certain string or a character inside a string of text stored with the function.
I need this to load a text file, then look for some mark inside it (like “1:” or “2:”)
and put the text after the mark text on a textfield.
I need this for making a random word generator that reads the words out of a textfile.

I’d really appreciate it if anyone can share their knowledge with me on this one. =)

I got it now.
But now I need a piece of code that checks if a radio button is pressed down…
It’s easy to do, I know but I’ve never made a program that uses radio buttons before. :sure:

Got that one too… Now I need help with something else…
How can I get flash to count the amount of words inside the text file??

LOL, I got that one by myself too!

I guess you people are just too slow for me… :beam: