I’m switching some cgi apps from HTML to Flash. I’d like to run the swf and the cgi program on the same server, but I find that while I can make things behave the way I want them to on my localhost server, I can’t on the remote server – the swf either contacts the cgi script and hangs, or dies with a server error. Doesn’t seem to matter whether I put things in cgi-bin, separate directories, or whatever.
I can however use the LoadVars sendAndLoad method with the remote cgi from a swf stored locally.
I’ve reproduced the problem with Colin Moock’s echo-mx Perl script and Flash Movie (http://moock.org/asdg/codedepot/server%20communication/simple%20echo/echo-mx.zip), so I don’t think the problem is with scripts, permissions or the other usual (for me) suspects.
what section of the manual did I overlook? Something to do with security settings?