Trying to write a simple e-mail script, I’ve done this before, but now I’m getting an error I’ve never seen. The code posts to a PHP script that uses the mail command. The script is up on my server and when I run the movie thru cntrl+enter on my computer, it works just fine.
When I upload to my server (where the PHP is located) and try the movie from the web, my loadvars posts all the variables as “undefined” (leaving the name, email, subject and message as “undefined”). I don’t get why this works on my computer and won’t work on my web site… could it be my webhost?
How are you referring to the sent variables in you PHP-script?
Be sure to use $_POST[‘yourVar’] or $_GET[‘yourVar’].
Also, are your PHP-file set to CHMOD 777 ? (read/write/execute for all users)
The file is has the proper permissions (777 is not good for websites try 755). And yes, using $_POST still gives me the same result.
The problem isn’t getting the script to work, as I said, the email sends, i don’t think it’s a problem with my PHP… if I run the movie from my computer all the information is sent correctly. If I run the movie from the site, all flash variables are sent okay to PHP but they are sent as strings, “undefined” – if they were actually undefined in PHP they would NULL (or “” as a string). So flash is actually sending “undefined” to the PHP script (from only my website, again, when I run the movie from my computer the vars send as what i input in the text boxes).
okay these are my source files, minus my contact info.
lol and just for those of you who care: i tried zipping these files first and had a 52k archive (can only upload 50k) sooooo… i RARed it and guess what — only 40k.