localConnection Issue and new players

Hello all,

the newer Flash players have broken an older site of mine. LocalConnection no longer works. The client can’t afford to do a redesign so I am hoping to find a quick fix. Apparently, Adobe changed the scope of LC for some security issues. I haven’t been able to find a fix I can figure out as I am not a developer, I just know how to muck about until something works. So any help really appreciated. Here’s an example of the code that isn’t working.

here’s outgoing:

Actions.homeFunction = function(){
    outgoing_lc = new LocalConnection();
    //send the contents of the text field 
    //using the send() method
    outgoing_lc.send("lc_navigation", "homeFunction", whichCat.text);
    //delete the local connection now that the 
    //message has been sent
    delete outgoing_lc;
    left_lc = new LocalConnection();
    left_lc.send("lc_left", "homeFunction", whichCat.text);
    delete left_lc;

and incoming:

left_lc = new LocalConnection(); //start the connection
left_lc.homeFunction = function() {
    imageMC = "home_left";