I’m having issues with using lockroot in conjunction with a rollover. I’m making a website that loads SWFs inside each other so I can’t afford to get rid of the lockroot ( this._lockroot = true; ) part. The rollover uses the same concept as the Complex Rollout/Rollover tutorial on the main site. I took out all instances of _root in the actionscript part of the rollover (my link is to an SWF not a website so I used loadMovie). I don’t know if that makes sense but hopefully one of you will be able to decipher my babble at 12:30 AM.
I’m fairly new to using ActionScript but I’ve managed to make the whole website work with the exception of these specific rollovers.
Anyway, when I get rid of the rollover, the links and all work just fine. But once I put the rollover in, the rollover works but that link doesn’t work. I took the lockroot phrase and pasted it in every place I had a chance but it still didn’t work. Anyone have any idea why? I’d appreciate it…thanks