Logo ... again


I figured the helmets sucked, so I decided to go for shields. Now there are two shields that I like, which one do you guys prefer ?


i donno. i think the one on the right is really cool, but i like the colours on the left one more. so the left :smiley:

did you make those? if so, they’re awesome.
what mdipi said

They’re both cool… I think I’ll go with the right one…!

i love designing logo’s so whats ur logo for whats it suppost to portray and i like the 1 on the right.

left… although I don’t think that is a very good idea. I don’t mean the artwork(it rocks! good job :thumb: ) but neither one would scale well, and that is very important for a logo.

Good point … I guess I’ll take the right one.

This is what I came up with. By the way, I didn’t make those shields :stuck_out_tongue:

go for the right one :slight_smile:

The one on the right for sure :wink:

That would turn out nice… It looks alot cleaner as well


vote thats nice!

shakes head

*Originally posted by Soul *
**shakes head **

What ? What ? What’s wrong ?

feels uncomfy

You didn’t make a logo, you just used a picture of a shield…

I know, I’m gonna use the shape you know. Not the image. What I came up with was just an example.

LOL, I took the lion and played with it and ended up with the peugot logo :P. Anyways, Soul, you’re right. That’s why I’m gonna make a new one by myself, I know exactly how it’s gonna look like.

That’s the spirirt :}

What about this one ? I don’t know if you’ll like the blue glow, but I can remove it.

*Image too big, Resizing …

I think V and then it makes me feel something’s growing because of the bits at the top.

I REALLY like it.