Logo critique

well… over the years ive gone through so many ‘company’ names and logos that i’m almost dead.

i think i might’ve finally settled on one (and i need to because im really trying to be serious about my design work from this point forward)

the idea is a company that is relaxed and almost against the idea of an organized group of people designing things. just someone doing what they do best and pumping out nice work and that should be all that matters.

this thread isnt about the content but ive got some nice unique (i think) content written up and some more good ideas.

one of which is having a two dimensional site.

the first would be the professional side and the second would be the fun and super relaxed side including a SOTW part, tutorials, resources, maybe a blog type thing as well as some other funny/joke parts and some funny videos that my friends and i produce in our free time.

the little gnomes in my brain are already thinking of a neat transition between the professional (clean) and relaxed (dirty) parts of the site.

ANYWAY, back to the point of this thread: my logo. I’m trying to keep it clean and simple (the way i like to do my design)

here it is! (sm is attached, large has link) (dont ask about clouds, its all part of the master plan >:O)

(higher res)

let me know what you all think!