
Okay, as some of you might already know (coz of me flooding this forum with questions once again :beam: ) I’m redesigning my website. One of the things I learned is that most people have their own logo. So I tried to come up with one myself. However, I made different versions of it, all displayed in the links below.

NOTE: the only thing you have to look at is the circle thingy (the logo itself) actually, since the rest might still be changed… It’s just the logo that counts…




So, which one is the best? Are isn’t any of 'em? :sleep:

Greetz :cowboy:

they are all broken images (red x’s) so I voted nasty go hame and make another one…I am sure my vote will change once I see them

Ow geez, right, I forgot Brinkster doesn’t allow image linking…Anyways, here are the links then:




we can’t see anything man.

ICED T:tie:

HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member’s site.

this what i got when i click the links.

ICED T:tie:

Here ya go… :}

  • Soul :s:

They all look like :d:

I choos nr2

Very good work. :love:

#2 :slight_smile:

*Originally posted by ICED T *
**HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member’s site.

this what i got when i click the links.

ICED T:tie: **

Oops, I didn’t know that would happen :-
I thought that was allowed…

*Originally posted by Soul *
Here ya go…

Hey thanks man, I dunno how you did it (you didn’t host them for me did you?) but in any case, thanks a lot man! :thumb:

And as the rest, thanks for the votes!

Me likes number 2!

i like 3, but prob best to go with 2 :-\ just cause wehn you make it smaller scan lines wont work.

*Originally posted by El_Thierro *
(you didn’t host them for me did you?)
Yup, it’s no problem :}

  • Soul :s:

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Yup, it’s no problem :}

  • Soul :s: **

Well, thanks a lot anyway :beam:

#2 is the way to go…

i don’t like the idea of scanlines on logos

Is the shape supposed to ressemble something? I don’t find any link between it and design to be honest. It’s shape is not that interesting and it looks more like something related to mechanics.
I would give it more thought, think of something that relates to you, what you think about design etc.