anyone know how this is done?

Yeah, it’s called creating a link to a site that doesn’t exist.

i read about that somewhere…

*Originally posted by electrongeek *
**Yeah, it’s called creating a link to a site that doesn’t exist. **

AHAHA:trout: :trout: :trout: :trout:

eg: if you are sharing files on Kazza, it contains a list of all of your shared files as links, seemingly downloadable from the site, though obviously somehow redownloading from your own computer.

Well I don’t use P2P programs so the link doesn’t work on my comp.

oh… wait… is that like localhost? cause i see my site which is hosted on this machine when i click it :!:

haha ok i made my own now… hopefully it’ll work…

I’m bookmarking you site ahmed… it;s got cool stuff.

haha does it? :slight_smile:

i have kazaa, it’s running and nothing happens.