

I’m going to London tomorrow with the 6th form for 5 days.
We’re going to see a play each evening, Les Miserables, Women in Black, We Will Rock you, Shakespear Complete, …
Overday we’ll visit a lot of museums, Tate Modern, National History museum…
We’ll have a free afternoon to. any tips?

BTW; London seems to be extremly expensive. Does anybody knows some cheap places to eat? I’ve heard of the Stockpot already any more?


McDonalds :stuck_out_tongue:

there has to be somewhere he can get beans on toast…



Lol, funny you mention. We had an english actor on our school and he said “If you want to eat Cow**** you should go to the macDonalds” (-:
I think I’m going to eat there sometimes but not always, I would fatn…:ch:
I prefer a good cook

*Originally posted by Didiusthegreat *

I’m going to London tomorrow with the 6th form for 5 days.
We’re going to see a play each evening, Les Miserables, Women in Black, We Will Rock you, Shakespear Complete, …
Overday we’ll visit a lot of museums, Tate Modern, National History museum…
We’ll have a free afternoon to. any tips?

BTW; London seems to be extremly expensive. Does anybody knows some cheap places to eat? I’ve heard of the Stockpot already any more?

Thnx **

Tate modern is a waste. Well it was last time I went. Loads of suuff that is classed as art because the artist went to art college for a few years and now can’t really be bothered so just slaps something to gether makes up a story behind it and says its art!

There’s the Sports Bar, think that’s near Haymarket… But yeah, most places are expensive to eat tbh. :slight_smile: Lots of trendy wine bars, that kind of thing.

If you’re up town for the theatre anyway, you’ll be able to find something though. I always did. :slight_smile:

In London on Tuesday, any thing going on worth taking a peak at.

Last time I went to the body worlds exhibition.


Hi I’m Laslett and I’m sick twisted and morbidly curious!!

*Originally posted by Laslett *
**In London on Tuesday, any thing going on worth taking a peak at.

Last time I went to the body worlds exhibition.


Hi I’m Laslett and I’m sick twisted and morbidly curious!! **

london dungeon it is then??? or have you been already???

got a dungeon in the basement of my house

*Originally posted by Laslett *
**got a dungeon in the basement of my house **

o…k :smiley:

So your not gunna visit the dungeon… k k

i thought you might like it coz they talk bout jack the ripper, etc.

nevermind :hr: