ok this is a bit of a simple one.
I have a really long line - in actuality a long if() statement
In VB you can break long lines (for ease of reading) by adding an underscore at the end of the line and continuing in the next line down.
is there a simple way of doing this, or should i just put up with the really long line?
ps a sample of the code is…
if (_level1.getBytesTotal()>0 && _level2.getBytesTotal()>0 && _level3.getBytesTotal()>0 …
continuing on to _level13
i think you could just break the lines… that shouldn’t bother the interperter. line breaking is just for ease of reading anyways, an entire script could be just one long line. i think you can break about anywhere you want…
do you mean break using ; or literally just start on a new line (in actual fact i have tried both and neither works), not sure if this is because it’s all within the if( ), i mean i could just nest another few if statements, which would work too.
And yes it is only to make my code tidier, so ultimately not of shattering importance.