Longitude and Latitude using mouse coordinates

hi guys,
I have a new project which requires getting the Longitude and Latitude coordinates on a world map. I have searched everywhere for either the code or a tutorial, if someone can point me in the right direction I would be REALLY grateful :wink:


what exactly are you looking for? How longitude and latitude work?

just wanted to know the AS involved or a good tutorial that can walk me through it…

like this:



As a cartographer I’m also interested in this kind of stuff.

I noticed that the map is always the same size, no matter how you size the window. So the math must be fairly simple - just a matter of capturing the mouse coordinates at any point and multiplying by some factor that translates to lat/long.

In other words, if the map MC anchor point is in the top left corner then that’s 0,0 on the MC right? So you set that to be whatever the lat/long is on the map at that location (upper left corner). Then you can just say that every five pixels “south” of that point is a degree of latitude; every five pixels “east” of that point is a degree of longitude (or whatever), etc.

On their map it looks like every pixel is six or seven minutes of longitude and four minutes of latitude?

You just have to figure out the size coorelation between the MC and real world coordinates on the ground to build it.

Very cool! I think I’ll have to try that.