Look At Me! Name Servers question!

Hi Peoples! I’m having a teeny bit of trouble seeing the changes that I make to my website when I upload my new .swf files to my host server. The weirdest thing is that I was given a default address (http://myname.web.aplus.net) to load files to (because I am not ready to transfer domain names from my old site yet) and the .swf files I upload aren’t being reflected by using that address. The address I was given was http://myname.web.aplus.net. What I found was that the changes were being actually being made to http://www.myname.web.aplus.net. I called customer support for my host and they said to change the name server that I am uploading my files to. Would this really help and what is the name server anyways? Sorry I’m kinda new to this and it’s really frustrating me. It’s times like these that make me wish I was at the beach and not at work. But there’s no swell today, so that’s why I’m here. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

Roxy Gurls Rule!

DNS = Domain Name Server

You can configure your DNS settings usally through your domain registrar. Go to their site, log in, and it should be somewhere in the options. Although if they were going to instruct you to mess with your DNS settings they really should have told you what exactly you had to do.

to answer one of your questions

DNS is a domain name server. it points to your domain name


to your webhost’s ip address. what you need to do is go to your web hosts website, and grab the DNS name servers. usually found in the knowledge base of faq section of any site. then go to where you purchased your domain name. in my case godaddy.com they should have a “manage dns” section, where it will ask you to input 2 ipaddresses, which would be your web hosts DNS. hope that clears up your DNS question

lol LIB beat me to it!

Sorry :frowning:

lol hey thats what ur here for eh? :slight_smile:

Scince your problem is soved…

I’l Just say:
HEY! Someone else from hawaii! Wohooo!