I officially have no life and I officially live my life in bordem. I was so bored just now, look at the sweet little pic i made! For all those of you who kno of the mini-movie rejected, heres a surprise!
OMG, my english teacher showed me that movie last year. That was the funniest movie i’ve ever seen in my life, like 5x better than homestar or anything else. PLEASE, what’s a link to the actual movie?
weee i love rejected
ill send it to u, they dont host it on the net
aww. darn i want to see it too.
that pic is so funny though :thumb:
nali do u have any chat things?
I get:
"Invalid Deviation
The deviation that you are attempting to view is invalid. Please ensure that the ID is in fact a valid deviation ID. If this error persists then please let us know. "
Did you remove it?
noo i didint remove it and mlk, this isnt the same movie
heres the link just in case