Looking for a partner


I’m looking for a partner to help me out with a Flash game I’m making. I am currently doing the art, sound, animation and programming on my own, but I would simply like a partner to help me out with shortening the code and making things work simpler and better. There is no pay involved, but you will be credited when the game is published.

Basically, I will send you the Flash file every now and then, and you will simply have to sort out the code and try to figure out a way to make things work better. What this means is that you may not even have to do any work at all but you will still be credited. This is my first time creating a game and I don’t even know if I’m doing things right, so by simply being an honest, experienced consultant you will be doing your job.

Contact me by PM or by e-mail (ravenstorm007@hotmail.com) for more information.


P.S. I’m not sure if this is the right forum, so please warn me before moving it!

That doesn’t even being to sound like a partner ship. Lets call a duck a duck: you’re looking for free work without any benifits to the Programmer!

A partner ship would be give all source files to the programmer including your photoshop files and give 1/2 of the proceeds to him/her as well.

If you want to do it this way and be a real “partner” then send me a PM, otherwise, no one is going to take your offer. What guru is going to do work for you for free. Hey…maybe you should PM Senocular :wink:

maybe you should PM Senocular


Ok, I’m sorry, lemme make it more simple… I’m looking for somebody to fix up my code once a week or so, and he will be fully credited and receive half of the profits as if he did half the work. He will have any and all “rights” associated with the project, and access to all files (although he will not have the ability to change anything without my consent). Basically it’s as if I submitted my code to the Flash Actionscript forum every now and then, except it’s a regular job and the programmer gets all the advantages of a co-creator. Is that more acceptable?