Looking for a texture

This may be the wrong forum to ask this but?? Does anybody happen to have a basketball (skinlike) texture?? Or know a site that has one?? I am working on this spot for nike and I made a texture but I just cannot get it right. take a look. Dont laugh at my photoshop shop attempt (the text is going tol look embossed when I am finished). I may just do it in lightwave or max. But I am looking for a texture similar to that shown. Oh yeah it is pretty big 1024x something

heehee…I found a way to do it…nevermind

well thats good, but can we still see it? :q:

sure i had it posted for a whil…dont laugh it is still in the concept stage…I eventually is going to be a poster and on some print material. i may just do it in max or lw…just to get the practice