Experienced Flash Developer
Job Description:
Candidate must be a proven systematic thinker, able to see patterns and opportunities for componentization and optimization from project to project. Preferred candidate has definitive experience, and is very sensitive to design and maintaining design integrity during development phase. Self motivation a must. Sense of humor optional, but highly preferred. Creative thinking is a must!
Candidate MUST:
[]possess a solid understanding of design patterns, model-view-controller and object-oriented development
[]proficient developing with ActionScript 2.0
[]be proficient with XML data integration
[]have Well-developed communication and organizational skills
[]be able to write and implement light and efficient code
[]be able to faithfully translate designer files (native design files such as Illustrator or Photoshop, or designer-created Flash files) into maintainable Flash applications
[]posess a strong work ethic
[]work off site, so daily progress/communication a must.
If you feel you fit this description, please email me at justin@justinhale.com and include at least 5 samples of your work (or a link to view your portfolio online).
[/list]Looking to employ someone who is interested in helping/working with an experienced graphic designer.