Looking for comments on photographer website

CURRENT SITE - [url=“http://www.dmtphotographics.com/DMT_Homepage4.html”]NEW TESTING SITE

I’m new to the forums, although I’ve been browsing them for quite a while now just absorbing all the amazing information available.

I’ve been re-developing a website that I built for a friend last year, and am looking for any comments or suggestions to improve it. Also looking for any bugs or errors on various browsers/platforms. I believe all is well in IE 6 as well as FireFox, but I could be wrong.

Both the links to the current site and the revamped version are in my sig below.

A few things to consider for the new version:

Images in the portfolio folders (viewed by selection from combo box) are only temporary. Folders and images are based on asp scripts, so that the photographer can create his own folders, and upload appropriate images. (they are however his real images, I just uploaded a bunch of different size/quality photos for testing purposes) I am trying to figure out the best settings to use, as he has only 50megs of server space, and want’s to display as much work as possible.

The “YourPics” page is complete. Simply need aesthetic(sp?) comments. The left side contains links to an online photo ordering site, where some photo sales are done. The right side is a simple news box which will be managed by the photographer.

Wedding page is complete. Simply need aesthetic(sp?) comments or suggestions. Possibly some rewriting of text content, layout changes?

Graphic Design page is currently just a placeholder. Will be very similar to weddings page. Other pages will be created with similar style as well.

Contact page is complete. Email form is working, although tabbing fields is not working for some reason.

Help section is partly functional, but need some serious improvements in both content and layout.

That’s everything I think
Please post you comments, good or bad.


Website Currently Re-Developing:

Almost Completed New Version:
Comments are appreciated!