Looking for comments

Hi there,

Made this about a year and a half ago. It’s a pretty huge piece shrunk down for here. It’s done, I’m just looking to see what people think of it. How it makes you feel when you look at it, what do you think of it, etc.

It’s called Self Portrait #8.


Also, it’s a pretty lo-res jpg so I could post it so some of the quality is not there.

Too random… you need to work on your composition.Think it out either before you start, or think like 10 steps a head of what you’re currently doing.

It’s pretty interesting and I think I get what you’re trying to convey here with the feelings of loneliness. It immediately reminded me of the album art from Radiohead’s ‘OK Computer’, with its cold color scheme and crude sketches of people. Personally I would try to improve on the typography a bit, since it is such a big part of the whole. Some of the text seems unfocused, and it’s all very uniform with the same font and with all of it going horizontal. Also, the line down the middle is a bit too noticeable if you ask me… maybe smooth it over a bit.

I’m not into the whole ‘random word’ art thing that seems to be going on. But it shouldn’t really matter if other people think it looks good if it is in fact, art. If it means something to you then go with it. If it’s a design for something commercial then AH! get rid of the random!

This is just a big bowl of sloppy joes…


there’s just so much text going on that i don’t want to read any of it. i’m also not very keen on the whole random word thing to begin with.