Looking for dirt cheap laptops

Just wondering if any1 has a known still good laptop…
Not along the lines of “it was good be4 the pickaxe and now it still does things!”

Not looking for power of processing, but am looking for dirt cheap…
As long as it works, and the battery isn’t nearly shot to hell…
Something that is just so out-dated that it is just not that good!

I’m thinking of installing linux on it and work from command line (at the worst possibility!)

Send me specs and pics!
Preferably both or a really good description if without pics… I might search for specs myself if none can be found by the owner, but i’ll need a reference to go on…

Optionally i’d go for a reliable site to purchase from, that sends to Portugal(Europe)…

PS:of course this is a laptop that still has all the parts, mainly the recharging unit!
Pls say the voltage of where u used the laptop, it might be a problem over here (220v here)…

Sorry if this is not apropriatte! Please remove it ASAP if so…
There just is no ebay.pt (why im doing this)