Looking for graphic Designer with experience & Samples

Hello everyone,

I am looking for graphic designers with experience, who already have a portfolio. I am not looking for coders wisnce i have a team already. What i need is firstly to take my site www.citemontreal.ca and add some graphics to make it nicer, kinda to bring it up a notch or two. I don’t want it revamped where the entire site has to be recoded again. I want to add eye candy and make it more appealing to the visitors. However download time and search engine optimization is very important so nothing crazy fancy.

If i can find some freelance designers to work with me, i also have other projects in the web development field that i can outsource to you guys. Pls let me know by posting a reply here and i will contanct you. If you you can always email me at sam.j@citemontreal.ca

thanks again.

that site does seem like it needs work!
i would love to work for you but i dont have a portfolio yet!

What can be done?
Do u have msn that we can use to chat about this?
or do u have an email address that i can use to contact you?



do u have msn? or use any other chat program?

msn is messed up on my comp but i have AIM adn the sn is the same thesparky007