Hello boys,
iam loking for your help couse i have two months dealing withn this problem.
I am doing a family puzzle with multiple foto - games (6), each imagen was cuted out in 49 pieces. i have an initial frame where i can select the foto i want to play, everything work just fine, but i want to make an automatical gift presentation that start when the last piece of the puzzle is in his location, to do so, i know i have to do a condicional test, but my actionscript knowlege is very litle,practicaly none, and here is where i need your help. i had tryed the “if” statement, i used variables and array, but nothing work. i know it is my faull.
if somebody want to help me. i will let open my email: sanjebapa@hotmail.com
i hope you understanded my english.
thankyou for the atention