Looking for hint: how to clear out a loop entirely

I’m working on a tutorial for making a space shooter game (on gotoAndPlay.com). One of the “go figure it out yourself” exercises is how to reset the enemy shooting - when you die, and then hit the replay button, you start from the beginning, but the bad guys don’t.

The game itself sits in two frames. the first frame holds the bulk of the AS, including a “for” loop that spawns bad guys. Code in this frame jumps you to the second frame when your ship blows up. the second frame holds the replay button.

The only hint the tute author gave is that I have to delete the “for” loop that creates bad guys. Everything I’ve tried, based on what I know (which is less than I thought) gave no results. A “break” command did nothing.

Here’s the code I think I need to nullify:

var numEnemy = 3;
function enemies() {
	for (j = 2; j <= numEnemy; j++) {
		var name = "enemy" + j;
		_root.enemy1.duplicateMovieClip(name, j);

Any hints, anyone? Thanks!