Looking for some Direction

hello again! I am in the process of putting together an “eTeam” for a rap artist, and I would like to make sure I am headed in the right direction, as there will be a lot of learning involved - i am new to PHP and MySql.

My goal: to create a signup/login system that will store username, password, email and address in a database, as well as generating and storing a unique ID number for each new signup. The ID can be as simple as 01, 02 etc. I would then like to use each member’s ID number to perform “click tracking” on a web banner, for example.

I am thinking that upon login i will need to find a way to store each ID in a cookie or something (sessions?) and reference that to “inject” it (excuse my terminology) into the code I will be providing users to paste around the web. I would like to pass that ID along to another script (cgi?) that would increment each users “hit count” so i can see how many “hits” they are driving to the main site.

I have no hard deadline for this project, and I am wondering if you guys could point me in the right direction. I will start looking into tutorials this evening after work, and start breaking things down into pieces - how to build a database, etc. I have never done anything like this before, and understand there will be a great deal of learning involved, but i am up for the challenge, and would like to improve upon my skillset. If I need to explain my goal any better than I have - please let me know!

I would really appreciate any help you guys could offer, as I try to figure this stuff out!


EDIT: I have learned how to set and retrieve cookies using php, i have learned how to append my “postable code” with a value in the cookie, I have learned how to setup, store and retrieve data from a database - that auto_increment is awesome! :slight_smile: Not nearly as hard as I thought it could be! I am currently working on putting all of this together along with my signup and login forms. I look into tutorials for one thing or another daily, and I prefer to come here and ask for guidance, as (darn near)everyone here is really helpful and nice. I have seen my fair share of crappy tut’s out there, and learned a few bad practices from them, unwittingly, and had to adjust my methods accordingly once I realised. Thanks again!