I’m just starting a new web site where people post content (articles, tutorials, reviews, etc) for sale or free so other webmasters can download or purchase them to up on their site. I’m looking for authors (article and tutorials) on all subjects but mostly web development. Even if the article is already complete.
Always looking for more… You can post them for sale or for free, its up to you. Free gets your web sites more exposure but you could always sell them as well.
well i dont have paypal or anything so i guess i cant charge un-less smoeone is willing to share there account where i put my money in there and share it,but if you have AIM i can talk to u there man.If u want me to do any tell me wat u want.
i can write some tutorials. i know asp well, i wrote a tutorial that can be seen by clicking the link in my footer that deals with asp and flash. i also know dreamweaver very well.
Creating engaging and entertaining content for designers and developers since 1998.