Loop through add onrollover

why isnt’ this working:

for (i=1; i<26; i++) {

mc = this["item"+i];
mc.id = i;

mc = this["item"+i];
mc.id = i;

this["item"+mc.id].onRollOver = function() {
    trace("i:"+i+" mc.id:"+mc.id);
    if (this["item"+mc.id].overtree == false) {
        this["item"+mc.id]._xscale = 110;
        TweenLite.to(this["item"+mc.id],0.2,{_xscale:110, _yscale:110});


the trace out when i rollover the buttons looks like this:

i:26 mc.id:25
i:26 mc.id:23
i:26 mc.id:22

i tried this too and it didn’t work: